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Connect feedback to contacts with our integrated CRM

Free forever: Unlimited contacts Custom fields Collect consent

Providing free online surveys for some of the best


Store unlimited contacts for free

Collect feedback from the people who matter most to your business or research. Track responses, analyze data all the way down to the contact level, and store unlimited contacts in the app.

Customer support

Build lasting relationships with your customers and increase retention.

Sales teams

Find qualified leads through data collection and organize your CRM into a revenue driving powerhouse.


Learn everything there is to know about your customers and how they feel about your business.

All your contacts in one place

Import your existing email lists to our integrated CRM, collect new contacts with forms, and send email invitations for projects created with FreeOnlineSurveys.

Each contact has their own profile, where you’ll find logs for engagement data (open and click rates), campaigns sent, and any responses they’ve submitted.

Free CRM

Full control over your contact data

Organize contacts

Create Groups for contacts based on the kind of campaigns you want to send them or information they share.

Create segments

Target contacts across multiple Groups and segment them based on CRM data, survey responses, and even engagement metrics.

Custom fields

Store additional information about your contacts by creating custom fields, which can be connected to and updated via forms.

CRM Software

Compliant contact management

FreeOnlineSurveys contact grouping helps you track and store the lawful basis for processing via Contract, Legal Obligation, Vital Interests, Public Task, Legitimate Interests, and Explicit Consent.

When collecting contact information via surveys, quizzes, or forms, you can assign groups to add contacts to and even collect Explicit Consent with a question.

Compliance-friendly features

Track lawful basis

Assign Groups a lawful basis for processing  contact data to ensure your data processing is lawful and transparent.

Collect consent

Add a consent question to forms that will automatically record given consent to contact profiles.

Pseudonymize responses

Collect personally identifiable information (PII) whilst keeping other response data remains anonymous.

Build personalized email invitations

Craft beautiful email invitations for your surveys, quizzes, and forms with our drag-and-drop email builder.

Personalize emails for your research and marketing contacts using merge tags and custom fields.

Track responses for CRM contacts, access historical data and feedback, and send reminders for those yet to respond.

Email Building Software

Connect to all our free products

Collect and update contacts using any of the free products we offer at FreeOnlineSurveys

FOS Surveys

Free online survey software to help you collect the data you need to grow your business.

FOS Quizzes

Create free online quizzes with automated scoring to put your CRM contacts to the test.

FOS Forms

Build free online forms to grow your email list and learn more about your audience.

What our customers say about us

Mark Stead - WWTHead of Learning
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The intuitive interface has transformed our processes. Its user-friendly design makes it easy for our team to create, deploy, and analyze surveys quickly. A stress-free interface that boosts productivity and satisfaction.
David Hollinshead - Chelsea FCInsight Manager
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What impressed me was the balance struck between data presentation and simplicity. Intricate survey data is consolidated into digestible visuals, making it easy to identify trends and patterns without getting lost in a sea of numbers.
Mention Socials
Brad Birchmore - Mention SocialsFounder/ Director
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Since we started using this software, our clients have seen more people participating in surveys, gotten great feedback on how easy it is to respond, and the competitions we run have been completely transformed.


What is a CRM?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It’s a technology and strategy used by businesses to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle, with the goal of improving customer service, retaining customers, and driving sales growth.

Our integrated CRM is completely free, meaning you don’t have to subscribe to any of our paid plans to import contacts or even connect to forms, quizzes, surveys, and calculators.

Absolutely! At FreeOnlineSurveys compliance is at the forefront of everything we do. All of our products (including our CRM) are fully compliant with the CCPA, GDPR and other data protection laws, meaning your forms are compliant by default. We also offer feature to help ensure you remain complaint, such as:

  • Pseudonymization: Collect personally identifiable information, whilst keeping response data anonymous.
  • Track lawful basis for processing data (CRM): When Grouping contacting into lists in our integrated CRM, you can assign each Group a separate lawful basis for processing the data of contacts within.
  • Collect and record consent: Add a consent question below contact forms to collect explicit consent to process contact information. This is recorded to contact profiles in the CRM.
  • Cookieless forms: Forms are completely free of tracking cookies, meaning we collect no data about respondents.
  • No IP tracking: Respondent IP addresses are masked before being stored in our database, ensuring their personal data is protected.

You can read more about our privacy practices in our privacy policy or head over to Shout to find out more about our compliance and security.

There’s NO limit to the number of contacts you can import or collect with our CRM. Unlike other with other software, you’ll never receive a sudden charge for exceeding an arbitrary limit. You can also create unlimited Groups to help organize your contacts.

All of this, for free.

When you connect a form to a contact Group labelled with the Explicit Consent lawful basis for processing data, we’ll automatically add a consent question below that form.

Contacts are then only added to that Group when consent is given, and that consent is recorded in their contact profile.

There is an unsubscribe link included in the footer of all emails sent with FreeOnlineSurveys. When contacts click this link, they are marked as unsubscribed. They are not removed from your Groups, nor is their data deleted, but they will be excluded from any emails sent to that Group.

Importing contacts to the CRM is super simple, just follow these steps to upload your existing contact lists:

  1. Click Apps in the top left
  2. Go to Contacts
  3. Click the + icon
  4. Select “Bulk Import”
  5. Paste your email list into the import field
  6. Select which Groups to add these contacts to

Your CRM will come with some pre-made Groups, but we recommend creating some of your own or customizing the existing Groups before importing contacts.

Our system will automatically detect and merge any duplicate contacts in your list, so there’s no need to worry about this. Even if a respondent fills out a form connected to the CRM, and their email already exists within a Group, our system will simply update their information rather than creating a duplicate contact.

If a form is connected to a Group they are not a part of, we’ll add them to that Group too!

The number of emails you can send to contacts depends on the plan you’re using. If you’re on our free plan, you can send up to 250 email invitations per month. Then, this limit increases for each of our paid plans:

  • Monthly: 1000 emails per month
  • Essentials: 3000 emails per month
  • Professional: 5000 emails per month
  • Business: 7000 emails per month