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Robust reports for your survey data

Features for you: Cross-tabs Create segments Data exports

Providing free online surveys for some of the best


Grow your business with data-driven insights

Make the most of your data with a powerful, professional survey results report.

Real-time data

As soon as a respondent hits 'Submit', you can analyze data to make informed decisions.

Multiple reports

Create unlimited reports based on your data set, each with their own view of the data.

Work together

Invite your colleagues to your team dig into your survey data together.

Identify patterns and trends

Filter your survey results report by question, date, CRM groups, email metrics, and more to learn as much as you can about your respondents.

Go beyond the who and what to find out the why with advanced cross-tabulation. Compare sets of data using two or more filters to get more detailed views of your results.

Survey Results Report With Filters And Cross Tabs
Email Metrics In Survey Results Report

Track email engagement data

When sharing your survey via email invitations, all engagement metrics associated with that campaign will be available in your survey report.

Run multiple email invitation campaigns for the same survey, and access the full report for each from the same place.

Easily identify which CRM contacts opened emails, clicked links, and responded to your survey.

Effortlessly export your reports

Export offline copies of your results as a PDF or XLSX spreadsheet. PDFs contain all the charts and graphs we generate for your report. Whereas spreadsheets provide tabs for compiled results and individual responses.

Make your digital report accessible with a URL link, which you can share with team members and other stakeholders who’re interested in your findings.

Export Survey Results Report

What our customers say about us

Mark Stead - WWTHead of Learning
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The intuitive interface has transformed our processes. Its user-friendly design makes it easy for our team to create, deploy, and analyze surveys quickly. A stress-free interface that boosts productivity and satisfaction.
David Hollinshead - Chelsea FCInsight Manager
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What impressed me was the balance struck between data presentation and simplicity. Intricate survey data is consolidated into digestible visuals, making it easy to identify trends and patterns without getting lost in a sea of numbers.
Mention Socials
Brad Birchmore - Mention SocialsFounder/ Director
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Since we started using this software, our clients have seen more people participating in surveys, gotten great feedback on how easy it is to respond, and the competitions we run have been completely transformed.

Report FAQs

Can I share access to reports?

You can share access to your reports with a URL link. This link is not active by default, you need to make your report accessible from the Results section of your project.

Yes, you can create new reports for the same dataset and pick and choose which questions to include in the additional report. You can even duplicate your existing report to save specific views you create using Filters and Comparisons.

At FreeOnlineSurveys, we offer a huge range of filters you can use to segment and compare data in your report. Here’s a full list of those filters:

  • Fields: Filter or compare survey data and email metrics based on default fields or custom fields you create for contacts.
  • Group: Filter and compare data according to contact groups.
  • Unsubscribed: Filter or compare data based on whether contacts are still subscribed to the CRM.
  • Source: Filter and compare data based on the source from which contacts were imported to the CRM.
  • Sign-up dateFilter and compare survey data and email metrics based on the data contacts subscribed to your list.
  • CampaignsFilter and compare data based on how contacts engaged with email campaigns.
  • StatisticsFilter and compare survey responses based on contact’s averaged email engagement metrics.
  • Survey questionFilter or compare based on answer selections for survey questions.
  • Formula result: Filter responses based on the results received in a calculator (Calculators only).
  • Survey completionChoose to filter by or compare Complete and Incomplete responses.
  • Survey response dateFilter or compare data based on response dates.
  • Survey response countryFilter or compare based on respondent locations.

Most question types will allow you to switch between the below charts and graphs:

  • Doughnut Chart
  • Line Graph
  • Column Graph
  • Radar Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Star Rating
  • Rankings

Some question types, such as Net Promoter Score, will have a specific chart displayed by default. We believe these to be the best ways to visualise your data, but you’re welcome to change those if you feel your data is better suited to another format.

You can set a colour gradient for your report background, which will be visible if anyone accesses your Results or your publicly accessible digital report. These backgrounds are not exported in the PDF.

You can also add images, videos, headings and sections of text to your report to add more context to data.

Yes, you’re able to both Group and Hide answer options in your report.

Grouping answer options allows you to merge the data for two separate answers into one. For example, image that you have a satisfaction question with the following answer options:

  • Very Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Very Satisfied

You might want to group the positive and negative answer options to create a different view of your data. So, your answer options could be grouped as below:

  • Dissatisfied (containing both Very Dissatisfied and Dissatisfied)
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied (containing both Very Satisfied and Satisfied)

You can edit the label for these answer options to name them anything, e.g. “Positive”, “Neutral”, and “Negative”.

Hiding answer options allows you to remove an answer option from your data set temporarily. Your data is not deleted, all you need to do is Show the answer option and it will reappear.

In both of the above cases, charts and graphs will update according to answers you hide and group.

We try to be as generous as possible with the amount of responses you can collect at FreOnlineSurveys. With both the Free and Monthly plans, you can collect up to 1000 responses.

All our other plans (Essentials, Professional, and Business), allow you to collect unlimited responses.

If you’re part of an Organization on FreeOnlineSurveys, none of your team members will have access to your reports without your say so. All dashboards are private by default, they will only be able to access your reports if you invite them to collaborate on the project.